Wednesday, October 30, 2013

NSA Spying

I'm unsure how to feel about the NSA spying on world leaders and others alike. If government organizations feel the need to spy on world leaders to try and gain information, then it seems that's the business they're in and there is no way to stop them. I find it interesting that the NSA would feel the need to spy on so many world leaders, what is that they have to gain to learn? Why is there interest in these 35 particular leaders? Many questions that there will be no answer to. The fact that they spy on international figures is not surprising however, I would like to know who they were spying on and why.


  1. I find it especially astonishing that we spy on our allies. I think the risk of getting caught spying is too high because it results in heavy tensions. I do see the need to spy on countries we do not consider allies.

  2. Isn't that kind of fatalistic, Tyler? If we are truly a democracy, it would seem we could get the government to do what we want ultimately. Some things may need to be secret, but an oversight process and the basic parameters can still be set by a public process.

    1. It seems so but I doubt there will be any real publicized retaliation from the American people or the international community for actions like this. When a large majority of people don't even participate in elections, why would they care to oppose spying on foreign leaders or even themselves. It seems the NSA isn't a priority in the eyes of many and I think we're in an age where there is less emphasis on reform because less people would actually physically oppose actions taken by the government. People usually just talk about the problems they see in writing just like we're doing now. Maybe one day I'll be proven wrong but as of now the NSA and the government will not be reprimanded.

    2. I think you very well may be right here. It just seems like the NSA scandal doesn't have a very scandalous ring for most people. Perhaps, in part, this is because it is such an abstraction, even when it applies to our own calls and not to foreign leaders (no one wants to believe, perhaps, that it is his or her call being monitored, which makes it easier not to care).

  3. I think alot of question still remain unanswered and we may not know for some time. I think this is not out of the question for what the US is willing to do to have the upper hand, even if they are considered out allie.

  4. Maybe there are dangers that are soon to come? But, like you said we will never know. If so, I agree that the NSA should spy and maybe 35 world leaders is not too high of a number? I think the public opinion has a heavy say and that stopping them is not completely out of the question.
