Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Obama care website issues

The fact that the website Obama has promised to be up and running many months ago is not operational is deceiving. The affordable care act in my mind has already failed because the deadlines Obama has set for it have been breached and the many many millions of dollars that have been thrust into building the site have been all for nothing, so I have seen so far. Not a single person has been able to sign up to the site and receive health insurance by this government mandated system. The cost alone so far has been enormous paying programmers huge amounts of money to create a site that doesn't even work. If its a matter of server capacity that should have been addressed initially before creating the code for the site. If nobody let Obama know that the qualifications for the site were not yet met, then its already evident that nobody put any thought into the functionality of the site and just looked at it for the money it would be making them in the short term. Not to mention the cost of the actual healthcare on the taxpayers, this website and obamas care act is not something I want to involve myself with.